What is Lean In?

Lean In is a global organization founded by Sheryl Sandberg, inspired by her bestselling book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. The movement grew into a worldwide network of women supporting one another through Lean In Circles. With a mission to foster leadership, close the gender gap, and create a more inclusive world, Lean In continues to inspire millions of women to step up, take charge, and lean into their careers and aspirations.

Leanin.org Conference, Featured: Jenny Salinas, Anna Dapelo-Garcia, Sheryl Sandberg

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What are Lean In Networks?

Lean In Networks are independently run volunteer organizations that work to further Lean In’s mission to build a more equal world. Networks support women who live in the same city or work in the same industry by connecting them through events and Lean In Circles – and are a core part of Lean In’s global movement.

As an official Lean In Network, Lean In Latinas embraces this mission while focusing on the unique experiences of Latinas. We provide mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities to empower Latinas to take charge of their careers and close the gender wage gap.

2024 Take Charge Conference Attendee

What are Lean In Circles?

Lean In Circles are small groups of women who meet regularly to support each other, share advice, and build skills to advance in their careers. These Circles are part of the larger Lean In organization, and anyone can start or join one, whether independently or through an official Lean In Network.

Lean In Latinas Circles operate under the Lean In Latinas Network, with a specific focus on empowering Latinas. While they follow the same Circle model, our Circles are designed to address the unique challenges and experiences of Latinas in the workplace, offering culturally relevant discussions, mentorship, and community-building opportunities.

2023 Take Charge Conference Attendees

Lean In Latinas Circles →